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Chapter 4

Setting Up Your Practice


As stated in Chapter 2 – Accountant Tools, QuickBooks Online Accountant is a Cloud-based application that allows accounting companies to access, store, manage, and process their bookkeeping, payroll, accounting, business analysis, and tax preparation at any time and from anywhere with an Internet connected device. The features of QuickBooks Accountant also allow accounting firms to access, store, manage, and process their clients’ bookkeeping, payroll, accounting, business analysis, and tax preparation.

Accounting Analytics uses QuickBooks Accountant to:

  1. Perform our bookkeeping, payroll, accounting, business analysis, and tax preparation.
  2. Manage, support, and supervise our team (professional staff of payroll personnel, bookkeepers, accountants, business analysts, and tax preparers).
  3. Manage, support, and supervise our clients’ bookkeepers.
  4. Perform our clients’ accounting, business analysis, and tax preparation.

This chapter is for accountants who use QuickBooks Accountant to:

  1. Manage, support, and supervise their team (professional staff of payroll personnel, bookkeepers, accountants, business analysts, and tax preparers).
  2. Manage, support, and supervise their clients’ bookkeepers.
  3. Perform their clients’ accounting, business analysis, and tax preparation.

Before you can manage, support, and supervise your team or clients’ bookkeepers and perform your clients’ accounting, business analysis, and tax preparation; you need to set up your practice.

Understanding the features in this chapter will assist you throughout the remainder of this Guide as we address performing bookkeeping, payroll, and accounting services.

Setup Tool

The following tool is needed to set up your practice:

  • QuickBooks Online Accountant

Accountant Tasks

Your set up your practice tasks include:

  1. Set up clients,
  2. Set up team,
  3. Review ProAdvisor benefits, attend training, and complete certifications,
  4. Set up work, and
  5. Obtain company and client apps when necessary.

Your Practice

The Your Practice section of QuickBooks Accountant includes the following:

  1. Clients,
  2. Team,
  3. ProAdvisor,
  4. Work, and
  5. Apps.

Setting Up Your Clients

Growing your firm generally means increasing your firm’s revenue. Typically, when an accountant thinks about increasing their firm’s revenue, they think of generating new clients. Generating new clients is perhaps the most logical way to increase firm revenue, but for many accountants, it can also be the most difficult, time-consuming, and expensive way to increase firm revenue.

The easiest, least time-consuming, and inexpensive way to increase firm revenue is to sell additional services to clients. For example, if you offer bookkeeping, payroll, accounting, QuickBooks, and tax services and you have a bookkeeping client, sell them your payroll, accounting, QuickBooks, and tax services.

Of course, it’s only the easiest, least time-consuming, and inexpensive way to increase firm revenue if you offer multiple services and have good relationships with your clients.

Professional fundraisers follow a proven four step Fundraising Cycle:

  1. Identify organizations or individuals who are most likely to contribute,
  2. Develop relationships with organizations or individuals most likely to contribute,
  3. Ask these organizations or individuals to contribute, and
  4. Express and show gratitude to those who contributed.

Fundraisers express and show gratitude not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because they want to be able to return to the contributors and ask for additional contributions. Contributors are more likely to recontribute if the fundraiser expresses their gratitude by word and deed for their contributions. Most contributions fundraisers raise come from continuous contributions from the contributors.

This is known as the 80/20 rule or Pareto Principle. 80% of outcomes (contributions) come from 20% of inputs (contributors) or a majority of outcomes come from a minority of inputs.

In business, this cycle is called the Sales Cycle:

  1. Identify your target market,
  2. Marketing,
  3. Selling, and
  4. Customer or client care.

The client service objective is to develop and maintain client satisfaction. Satisfied clients are more likely to:

  1. Pay for additional services and
  2. Remain clients.

Client service is the delivery of exceptional service to clients before, during, and after the sale. Every client begins as a lead, then a contact, then a prospect, and then a client. Customer service is about the lead, contact, prospect, and client experience. The better the experience, the more satisfied the client. Accountants need to consider client service in all their workflows to produce satisfied clients.

The easiest, least time-consuming, and inexpensive way to increase firm revenue is client service. Satisfied clients are the life blood of your firm. Without satisfied clients, your firm won’t exist.

Client Dashboard

The Client dashboard is where you set up and manage your clients. When you go to Clients, you see your Client dashboard which shows a list of your clients with items that need your attention. On this page, you can access your clients' books and tax returns with just one click.

To access the Client dashboard, select Clients from the Left menu.

The Client dashboard includes:

  • Add client button,
  • Overview,
  • Bookkeeping, and
  • Payroll.

Add Client Button

The Add client button is where you set up a client.

To add a client, select the Add client button.

Adding a client includes three sections:

  1. Client Contact Information,
  2. Team Access, and
  3. Products.

Client Contact Information

Client contact information includes:

  • Business or Individual radio button – Select whether the client is a business or individual client.
  • Business name – Enter the business legal name.
  • Email – Enter the main contact’s email address.
  • Display name as – Enter the Doing Business As (DBA) name.
  • Mobile – Enter the main contact’s mobile number.

Click the Add more info link.

  • Client’s first name – Enter business owner’s first name.
  • Client’s last name – Enter business owner’s last name.
  • Phone – Enter business phone number.
  • Website – Enter business website address.
  • Billing address – Enter street, City/town, State, Zip code, and country.
  • Shipping address – Check Same as billing or enter shipping address, if different.

Team Access

Click the “Show all team members” link and select the team member(s) you want to have access to the client’s QuickBooks subscriptions, if any. The Firm Primary Administrator is automatically selected.

When a client is assigned to a team member, the client is listed on the team member’s list of clients when the team member logs into QuickBooks Accountant with their User ID and Password.


Select either Subscription or No subscription, then select one of the following billing options (you can only select one):

  • ProAdvisor discount – Select if Intuit will bill the firm.
  • Direct discount – Select if Intuit will bill the client.
Note: Accounting Analytics provides the subscription with our services. Therefore, we use the ProAdvisor discount billing option.

Select one of the QuickBooks subscriptions: Simple Start, Essentials, Plus, or Advanced.

If you are adding a bookkeeping and payroll client, select the Payroll drop-down menu and select one of the Payroll subscriptions: Core, Premium, or Elite.

Note: If you are adding a payroll only client, select only the Payroll subscription. If you are adding a client that doesn’t have payroll but needs the feature to pay contractors with direct deposit, select the Contractor Payments add-on.

Check “Make me the Master Admin of this client’s QuickBooks company” if you selected the ProAdvisor discount option above. Don’t check if you selected Direct discount where Intuit bills the client directly.

Note: The Master Administrator is the owner and primary contact for a QuickBooks company. If you do assign a ProAdvisor discount client as the Master Admin, your current QuickBooks access won’t change. You still receive all billing notifications, and your client won’t have access to your billing information.

If you selected ProAdvisor discount, verify or change the Payment method for billing, then select Save.


Overview is the table on the Client dashboard that shows a list of your clients. The Overview tab displays useful “at-a-glance” information on each client.

The Overview table includes:

  • Find a client field – Enter the name of a client by entering the business name and clicking the search icon.
  • Client list filter – Enables you to filter the list of clients by lead team member.
  • Settings icon – Enables you to edit list columns, include inactive clients, and change the number of rows per page.
  • Client/Contact column – Lists the client and contact names. The client’s name links to the Client Page.
  • Email/Phone column – Lists the client or contact email and phone number and is synced to your email app and mobile phone.
  • Banking column – Lists any bank or credit card account review items and links to the Client Page.
  • Payroll Alerts – Lists any upcoming payroll tasks, such as pay dates and tax payments.
  • Prep for Taxes column – Links to the Prep for taxes page.
  • Tax Returns column – Links to Intuit ProConnect Online Client page to create or continue a client.
  • Lead column – Displays the client’s lead accountant.
  • Actions column – Links to Edit client, Prep for Taxes, Create tax return, and make inactive actions.
Note: When you hover your mouse over the “qb” icon next to the client’s name, you can see the subscription level and products of the client’s QuickBooks. When you select this icon, you will be taken directly into your client’s QuickBooks.


The Bookkeeping tab shows the progress of each client’s Books Review.

The Bookkeeping table includes:

  • Find a client field – Enter the name of a client by entering the business name and clicking the search icon.
  • Client list filter – Enables you to filter the list of clients by lead team member.
  • Settings icon – Enables you to include inactive clients and change the number of rows per page.
  • Client/Contact column – Lists the client and contact names. The client’s name links to the Client Page.
  • Books Review column – Shows the progress of the current review from the Books Review feature. A green status icon indicates the task is complete, a yellow status icon indicates the task is in progress or waiting to progress, and a white status icon indicates the task has not been started. Selecting a status icon opens a more detailed progress tracking side-pane where you can view task-level progress for Transaction review, Account reconciliation, and Final review. From here, selecting View detail takes you to the client’s Month-end review.
  • Lead column – Displays the client’s lead accountant.
  • Actions column – Links to Edit client, Prep for Taxes, Create tax return, and make inactive actions.


The Payroll tab lists clients using QuickBooks Online Payroll and useful payroll related information.

The Payroll table includes:

  • Find a client field – Enter the name of a client by entering the business name and clicking the search icon.
  • Client list filter – Enables you to filter the list of clients by lead team member.
  • Settings icon – Enables you to edit list columns, include inactive clients, and change the number of rows per page.
  • Client/Contact column – Lists the client and contact names. The client’s name links to the Client Page.
  • Next Pay Date column – Shows the next date that payroll will be ran, according to the client’s pay schedule, as well as whether payroll will be run manually or automatically.
  • Setup column – Shows any payroll setup items that are still in progress or need to be completed.
  • Tax Payments Due column – Shows any current or upcoming tax payments that are due and whether the payment is done manually or automatically.
  • Tax Filings Due column – Shows any current or upcoming tax filings that are due and whether the filing is done manually or automatically.
  • Lead column – Displays the client’s lead accountant.
  • Actions column – Links to Edit client, Prep for Taxes, Create tax return, and make inactive actions.

Client Page

The Client page contains features and tools used for sharing and communicating information with your client and team.

To access the Client page, select a client from the client list.

The Client page includes:

  • Contact icons,
  • Edit client button,
  • Notes tab, and
  • Shared documents tab

Contact Icons

Next to the client’s name, there are two icons: the Envelope icon and the Phone icon.

When you hover your mouse over the Envelope icon, it will show you the client’s email address. Selecting the icon will open a new email to the client.

When you hover your mouse over the Phone icon, it will show you the client’s contact phone number.

Edit Client Button

The Edit client button is where you edit client details.

To edit a client, select the Edit client button.

Editing a client includes the same three sections from adding a client:

  1. Client Contact Information,
  2. QuickBooks subscription, and
  3. Team access.

After changing any client details, select Save.

Notes Tab

The Notes tab allows you to post reminders, to-do’s, and items to communicate with your team. When a Team note is created, it is added to the list and can be viewed and edited by all team members who have access to the client. When a note Private note is created, it is added to the list and will only show for the creator. Each note will display the author and time of creation. You can also keep important notes easily accessible by marking them as favorites.

The Notes list shows all notes in order of most recent, and includes:

  • Add note – Select to create a new note.
  • Refresh – Refreshes the Notes list.
  • Favorite filter – Only displays notes that have been “favorited”.
  • Note actions – Select the actions icon to Edit or Delete a note.
  • Note details – Each note displays the creator and date/time details, the Private/Team status, the favorite “star” icon, and the comments drop-down.

To add a note:

  1. Select Add note.
  2. Enter the note details in the message field.
  3. Select Team for the note to be visible to all team members or select Private to keep the note only visible to yourself.
  4. Select Post.

To reply to or comment on a note:

  1. Select Comments icon.
  2. Enter the response in the message field.
  3. Select Post.

Shared Documents Tab

The Shared documents tab contains shared documents uploaded by you, your team, and your client. Any documents uploaded or used in client requests will appear here. Both you and your client can view, add, and delete these documents.

The Shared documents tab includes:

  • Upload button – Allows you to upload a new document, which will then show on the Documents list.
  • Documents list – Shows a list of uploaded documents. Select a document from the Document column to open and view it. The Request column indicates whether or not the document was related to a client request. The Updated column shows when the document was last updated, and the Actions column allows you to Download, Rename, or Delete a document by selecting the Three Dots icon.
  • Batch actions – Selecting the checkbox next to documents allows you to open this drop-down menu and download or delete multiple documents at once.
  • Refresh – Selecting this icon will refresh the table to show any documents uploaded since you opened the Shared documents tab.
  • Download All – Selecting this icon will download all documents from the list.

Setting Up Your Team

The traditional term for employees in a professional environment, such as a CPA firm, is “staff”. However, “staff” is now considered a negative term and many professional companies use “team”.

The post–World War II economic expansion, also known as the golden age of capitalism or the postwar economic boom, was a period of economic expansion beginning after World War II and ending with the 1973–1975 recession. During that time companies looked to military leadership to run their companies.

Military leadership is the process of influencing others to accomplish the mission by providing purpose, direction, and motivation. Command is the authority a person in the military service lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of their rank and assignment or position.

Military leaders established corporate structure based on military leadership. “Staff” is derived from this environment founded on the military’s General Staff System of command, control, and organization.

The term “team” is defined as a group of players forming one side in a competitive game or sport. Employees would rather be “coached” as a team member and not commanded as a staff member.

Teamwork involves different groups and individuals working together to achieve a common goal. Professional service teams are organized around workflows and blend complementary strengths. The benefits of teamwork include increased creativity, innovation, efficiency, productivity, and morale.

Team management is the management of a team of people to perform the team’s functions or work. Team management includes leading the decision-making process, setting team objectives, evaluating team performance, and reviewing and improving technology, methods, and procedures employed.

Team members understand that the sum (team) is greater than its parts (individuals).

Team Dashboard

The Team dashboard is where you set up and manage your team.

To go to the Team dashboard, select Team from the Left menu.

The Team dashboard consists of two tabs:

  1. Access and
  2. Certifications.

Access Tab

The Access tab includes:

  • Add user (team member) button and
  • List of team members.

Add User Button

Adding a team member is a three step process.

Step 1 - Add user profile information

  • First, middle, and Last name
  • Email
  • Title

Step 2 - Specify access to firm administration and books

  • Access – Select Full, Basic, or Custom.

Full access includes:

  • Full access to administrative functions for your firm,
  • Full access to managing clients,
  • Full access to your firm's books, and
  • Administrator access to client QuickBooks.

Basic access includes:

  • Limited access to administrative functions for your firm,
  • No access to managing clients,
  • No access to your firm's books, and
  • Administrator access to client QuickBooks.

Custom access includes:

  • Custom access to administrative functions for your firm,
  • Custom access to managing clients,
  • Custom access to your firm's books, and
  • Administrator access to client QuickBooks.

Your Firm Administration and Access

  • Firm information – Select View only or Edit
  • Firm users – Select None, View only or Edit
  • Subscriptions and billing – Select None, View only or Edit

Your Firm Books and Access

  • Customers and accounts receivable – Select No or Yes
  • Vendors and creditors – Select No or Yes

Your Clients and Access

  • Manage your clients – Select No or Yes

Step 3 - Specify Client Access

Note: Granting user access to a client gives them full (admin) permissions to that client’s QuickBooks Online file.
  • Find a client field – Grants access to by entering their name and clicking the search icon.
  • Client list column – Grants client access to the team member by checking the client box.
Note: Checking the column box grants the team member assess to all clients listed.
  • Settings (Gear) icon – Set the Client list to include inactive clients, change the number of rows listed on the page, or compact the list.

List of Team Members

The list of team members includes:

  • Find field – Enter the name of a team member by entering their name and clicking the search icon.
  • Name column – Lists the name of the team member.
  • Job Title column – Lists the title of the team member.
  • Email column – Lists the email of the team member.
  • Access column – Lists the type (Master Administrator, Full, Basic, Custom) of access assigned to the team member.
  • Status column – Lists the status of the team member (Active or Inactive).
  • Print icon – Enables you to print the team member list.
  • Settings icon – Enables you to include inactive users and compact rows.

Certifications Tab

The Certifications tab lists each team member’s QuickBooks Online ProAdvisor certifications, if any. The certifications include QuickBooks Online Certification and QuickBooks Online Advanced Certification.

To obtain a QuickBooks Online certification:

  1. Select ProAdvisor from the left menu.
  2. Select the Training tab.
  3. Scroll down to QuickBooks Online Certification.

The Certifications tab includes:

  • Name column – Lists the name of the team member.
  • Job Title column – Lists the title of the team member.
  • Certifications column – Lists the certification(s) of the team member.
  • Expiration Date column – Lists the expiration date of the certification(s).

ProAdvisor Page

The ProAdvisor page contains your ProAdvisor benefits and the training you need to obtain the QuickBooks Online Certification.

To go to the ProAdvisor page, select ProAdvisor from the left menu.

The ProAdvisor page consists of two tabs:

  1. Benefits and
  2. Training.

Benefits Tab

The Benefits tab is where you access your current ProAdvisor benefits. As you obtain and work with clients, you receive points that enable you to reach the next higher tier. Each higher tier includes additional benefits.

The Benefits tab includes:

  • Total points – Shows your current point total.
  • Earn Points – Shows a list of activities that will earn you points, including the number of points for each.
  • Your Benefits – Shows your current benefit tier, as well as a list of your benefits and links to access them.

Training Tab

The Training tab is where you access the training and certifications offered in QuickBooks ProAdvisor Program.

The Training tab includes:

  • Your current path – Shows your most recent training module and percent of its completion.
  • QuickBooks Online Courses – Shows available training courses involving QuickBooks Online. Each tile also shows the completion time and number of CPE credits awarded upon completion. This is where you access and complete the QuickBooks Online Certification and QuickBooks Online Advanced Certification.
  • Specialty Courses – Shows additional training courses available.

Setting Up Your Workflow

Workflow describes the steps (tasks) in a business work process, where a part of work passes from initiation to completion; and how the steps are executed and automated according to a set of procedural rules.

Organizations use workflow to coordinate tasks, with the aim of improving organizational efficiency, responsiveness, and profitability. Workflow can be sequential, where each step is contingent upon completion of the previous step or parallel, where multiple steps occur simultaneously.

Workflow management is the coordination of tasks that make up the work an organization does. Business process improvement is a natural part of workflow management.

A workflow management system provides an infrastructure for the setup, performance, and monitoring of a defined sequence of tasks, arranged as a workflow application.

Work Page

The Work page is a workflow management system which provides setup, performance, and monitoring of your services (projects) defined sequence of tasks, arranged as a workflow application.

You use the Work page to manage your service workflows in QuickBooks Accountant. By default, the Work page displays individual tiles for all tasks, projects, and requests arranged by due date. The first column shows work due today (including overdue work), followed by columns for work due this week, next week, and within 30 days.

To go to the Work page, select Work from the Left menu.

The Work page includes:

  • Manage templates,
  • Create client request,
  • Create project,
  • Client filter,
  • Team filter,
  • Type filter,
  • From QuickBooks radio button, and
  • Page view icons.

Manage Templates

Manage templates is where you set up a defined sequence of tasks for each of your client services. These templates improve your client services efficiency, responsiveness, and profitability. They should be used as a training tool for new team members and as a practice tool to ensure quality and reliability.

The Manage templates page includes:

  • Create template button,
  • Custom templates, and
  • Quickstart templates.

The Create template button enables you to create a workflow template from scratch.

The Create a template includes:

  • Template name,
  • Repeat radio button,
  • Due date repeats (If Repeat is clicked),
  • Details field, and
  • Add a task button.

The Template name field is where you enter the name of your project (service).

The Repeat radio button is clicked if this is a recurring service.

The Due date repeats is where you select the repeating period and frequency.

The Details field is where you add any additional information about the service.

The Add a task button is where you add the service’s defined sequence of tasks. You enter the Task name, Due date, and details, if any.

Custom templates displays any custom templates created. You can set the order of the listing of your custom templates by last used first or last.

The Quickstart templates are prefilled common client services you can use or adjust for your needs.

Create Client Request

Create client request is where you request information from the client’s bookkeeper. When you make a request, the request is published to the My Accountant page, Requests tab of the client’s QuickBooks account.

The Create client request page includes the following:

  • Request name,
  • Client,
  • Due date,
  • Status,
  • Details,
  • Documents, and
  • Notify client.

The Request name field is where you enter the name of the person the request is addressed to.

The Client field is where you select the client from the drop-down menu.

The Due date field is the date the information requested is due.

The Status field is where you select the status (To do, In progress, Blocked, Done or Canceled) of the request from the drop-down menu.

The Details field is where you enter your request.

Documents is where you add any documents pertaining to your request.

The Notify client box is where you check the box if you want the request to be emailed to the client in addition to publishing the request to the client’s QuickBooks account.

Create Project

Create project (services, jobs, or work) is where you set up a new client service (template) to be performed by the team member.

The Create project page includes:

  • Project template,
  • Project name,
  • Firm or client,
  • Due date,
  • Repeat,
  • Assigned to,
  • Details, and
  • Add a task.

The Project template field is where you select a Custom or Quickstart template from the drop-down menu.

The Project name field is where you enter the name of the project, i.e., Client Name and Service.

The Firm or client field is where you select the client the service pertains to from the drop-down menu.

The Due date field is the date the service is due.

The Repeat radio button is clicked if this is a recurring service for the client.

The Assigned to field is where you assign the service to a team member from the drop-down menu.

The Details field is where you add any additional information about the service unique for the client.

The Add a task button is where you add any adjustments or additions to the service’s defined sequence of tasks unique for the client. You enter the Task name, Due date, and details, if any.

Client Filter

The Client filter is where you filter whether you display your Clients only, Firm only or All.

Team Filter

The Team filter is where you filter whether you display your team members, you (Me) or Everyone.

Type Filter

The Type filter is where you filter whether you display Projects (services), Tasks, Requests or All types.

From QuickBooks Radio Button

The From QuickBooks Radio button automatically displays tasks from your client’s QuickBooks account. You enable the feature if you want to monitor these tasks.

These items have a “qb” icon to distinguish them from Projects, Tasks, and Requests.

Page View Icons

The page view icons enable you to display three different page view formats:

  • Tile view,
  • List view, and
  • Calendar view.

Tile View

The tile view has four columns:

  1. Today – displays projects, tasks, and requests due today.
  2. This Week – displays projects, tasks, or requests due this week.
  3. Next Week – displays projects, tasks, or requests due next week.
  4. Next 30 Days – displays projects, tasks, or requests due in the next 30 days.

The following points will help you navigate the Work page:

  1. When a project is created, the tasks will show up as tiles.
  2. You can see the total number of tasks due for each column in the bar at the top.
  3. The left side of each tile contains the due date of the task and a circular icon that shows the initials of the team member that is assigned to that task. You can quickly re-assign a task by clicking on the initials and selecting a new team member.
  4. The right side of each task tile displays, in this order, the name of the client, the name of the task, and the project it belongs to.
  5. The tile for a project can be identified by the progress bar located at the bottom of the tile. The progress bar shows how many tasks have been completed out of the total number of tasks.
  6. Client requests are also shown as tiles. You can select the tile to open the request and continue communication with your client.

You can edit a project, task, or request by clicking the project, task, or request tile.

List View

The list view has seven columns:

  1. Due Date – displays the due date (past and future) of each project, task, or request.
  2. For – displays which client the project, task or request is for.
  3. Name – displays the project, task, or request name.
  4. Status – displays the status (To do, In progress, Blocked, Done or Canceled) of the project, task, or request.
  5. End Date – displays the end date of project set up when creating the project.
  6. Assigned to – displays the team member assigned to the project when creating the project.
  7. Type – displays the type (Project, Task or Request).

You can edit a project, task, or request by clicking the project, task, or request row.

Calendar View

The calendar view displays a monthly calendar. The date highlighted is today’s date. The number of projects, tasks, and requests due is displayed in the lower left corner of the day, if any. When you’re on the day, a green border is displayed and each project, task, and request due for the day is listed under the date column on the right side of the page. The team member assigned to the project or task is also displayed.

You can edit a project, task, or request by clicking on the project, task, or request displayed.

Apps Page

The Apps page contains available apps that integrate with QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Online Accountant. Using apps can help you simplify, automate, and improve your workflow.

To go to the Apps page, select Apps from the left menu.

The Apps page consists of three tabs:

  1. Find apps,
  2. Client apps, and
  3. Firm apps.

Find Apps Tab

The Find Apps tab is where you can browse available apps for your firm or your clients. You can select apps to view their details and download/purchase them.

The Find Apps tab includes:

  • App search bar – Allows you to search for apps by name or other key words.
  • Browse category – Drop-down menu that allows you to select a category of apps to browse.
  • Premium Apps – Shows a list of apps that apps and add-ons that are deeply integrated into QuickBooks Online Advanced.
  • Essential apps for your clients – Shows a list of apps that are great for clients.
  • Popular apps for accounting firms – Shows a list of apps that are great for accountants.

Client Apps Tab

The Client apps tab is where you can view the apps your clients currently have connected.

The Client apps tab includes:

  • App filter – Drop-down menu that allows you to narrow results on the client table by showing All apps, Apps you connected, or Apps others connected.
  • Search bar – Allows you to search for clients or apps by name.
  • Category filter (Settings (Gear) icon) – By selecting the Settings (Gear) icon, you can select whether or not to include inactive clients and/or ineligible clients.
  • Client table – Shows a list of your clients and the apps they have connected. You can select an existing connected app to view its details or select +Add app to be redirected to the Find apps page and add an app for the client.

Firm Apps Tab

The Firm apps tab is where you can view the apps your firm currently has connected. You can

The Firm apps tab includes:

  • Add app button – Selecting the button takes you to the Find apps tab to add an app.
  • Apps you added to your firm – Shows a list of any apps you have added to your firm.
  • Apps another user added to your firm – Shows a list of any apps added to your firm by other users.


As stated in Chapter 2 – Accountant Tools, QuickBooks Online Accountant is a Cloud-based application that allows accounting companies to access, store, manage, and process their bookkeeping, payroll, accounting, business analysis, and tax preparation at any time and from anywhere with an Internet connected device. The features of QuickBooks Accountant also allow accounting firms to access, store, manage, and process their clients’ bookkeeping, payroll, accounting, business analysis, and tax preparation.

Accounting Analytics uses QuickBooks Accountant to:

  1. Perform our bookkeeping, payroll, accounting, business analysis, and tax preparation.
  2. Manage, support, and supervise our team (professional staff of payroll personnel, bookkeepers, accountants, business analysts, and tax preparers).
  3. Manage, support, and supervise our clients’ bookkeepers.
  4. Perform our clients’ accounting, business analysis, and tax preparation.

This chapter is for accountants who use QuickBooks Accountant to:

  1. Manage, support, and supervise their team (professional staff of payroll personnel, bookkeepers, accountants, business analysts, and tax preparers).
  2. Manage, support, and supervise their clients’ bookkeepers.
  3. Perform their clients’ accounting, business analysis, and tax preparation.

Before you can manage, support, and supervise your team or clients’ bookkeepers and perform your clients’ accounting, business analysis, and tax preparation; you need to set up your practice.

Understanding the features in this chapter will assist you throughout the remainder of this Guide as we address performing bookkeeping, payroll, and accounting services.

Setup Tool

The following tool is needed to set up your practice:

  • QuickBooks Online Accountant

Accountant Tasks

Your set up your practice tasks include:

  1. Set up clients,
  2. Set up team,
  3. Review ProAdvisor benefits, attend training, and complete certifications,
  4. Set up work, and
  5. Obtain company and client apps when necessary.

Your Practice

The Your Practice section of QuickBooks Accountant includes the following:

  1. Clients,
  2. Team,
  3. ProAdvisor,
  4. Work, and
  5. Apps.

Setting Up Your Clients

Growing your firm generally means increasing your firm’s revenue. Typically, when an accountant thinks about increasing their firm’s revenue, they think of generating new clients. Generating new clients is perhaps the most logical way to increase firm revenue, but for many accountants, it can also be the most difficult, time-consuming, and expensive way to increase firm revenue.

The easiest, least time-consuming, and inexpensive way to increase firm revenue is to sell additional services to clients. For example, if you offer bookkeeping, payroll, accounting, QuickBooks, and tax services and you have a bookkeeping client, sell them your payroll, accounting, QuickBooks, and tax services.

Of course, it’s only the easiest, least time-consuming, and inexpensive way to increase firm revenue if you offer multiple services and have good relationships with your clients.

Professional fundraisers follow a proven four step Fundraising Cycle:

  1. Identify organizations or individuals who are most likely to contribute,
  2. Develop relationships with organizations or individuals most likely to contribute,
  3. Ask these organizations or individuals to contribute, and
  4. Express and show gratitude to those who contributed.

Fundraisers express and show gratitude not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because they want to be able to return to the contributors and ask for additional contributions. Contributors are more likely to recontribute if the fundraiser expresses their gratitude by word and deed for their contributions. Most contributions fundraisers raise come from continuous contributions from the contributors.

This is known as the 80/20 rule or Pareto Principle. 80% of outcomes (contributions) come from 20% of inputs (contributors) or a majority of outcomes come from a minority of inputs.

In business, this cycle is called the Sales Cycle:

  1. Identify your target market,
  2. Marketing,
  3. Selling, and
  4. Customer or client care.

The client service objective is to develop and maintain client satisfaction. Satisfied clients are more likely to:

  1. Pay for additional services and
  2. Remain clients.

Client service is the delivery of exceptional service to clients before, during, and after the sale. Every client begins as a lead, then a contact, then a prospect, and then a client. Customer service is about the lead, contact, prospect, and client experience. The better the experience, the more satisfied the client. Accountants need to consider client service in all their workflows to produce satisfied clients.

The easiest, least time-consuming, and inexpensive way to increase firm revenue is client service. Satisfied clients are the life blood of your firm. Without satisfied clients, your firm won’t exist.

Client Dashboard

The Client dashboard is where you set up and manage your clients. When you go to Clients, you see your Client dashboard which shows a list of your clients with items that need your attention. On this page, you can access your clients' books and tax returns with just one click.

To access the Client dashboard, select Clients from the Left menu.

The Client dashboard includes:

  • Add client button,
  • Overview,
  • Bookkeeping, and
  • Payroll.

Add Client Button

The Add client button is where you set up a client.

To add a client, select the Add client button.

Adding a client includes three sections:

  1. Client Contact Information,
  2. Team Access, and
  3. Products.

Client Contact Information

Client contact information includes:

  • Business or Individual radio button – Select whether the client is a business or individual client.
  • Business name – Enter the business legal name.
  • Email – Enter the main contact’s email address.
  • Display name as – Enter the Doing Business As (DBA) name.
  • Mobile – Enter the main contact’s mobile number.

Click the Add more info link.

  • Client’s first name – Enter business owner’s first name.
  • Client’s last name – Enter business owner’s last name.
  • Phone – Enter business phone number.
  • Website – Enter business website address.
  • Billing address – Enter street, City/town, State, Zip code, and country.
  • Shipping address – Check Same as billing or enter shipping address, if different.

Team Access

Click the “Show all team members” link and select the team member(s) you want to have access to the client’s QuickBooks subscriptions, if any. The Firm Primary Administrator is automatically selected.

When a client is assigned to a team member, the client is listed on the team member’s list of clients when the team member logs into QuickBooks Accountant with their User ID and Password.


Select either Subscription or No subscription, then select one of the following billing options (you can only select one):

  • ProAdvisor discount – Select if Intuit will bill the firm.
  • Direct discount – Select if Intuit will bill the client.
Note: Accounting Analytics provides the subscription with our services. Therefore, we use the ProAdvisor discount billing option.

Select one of the QuickBooks subscriptions: Simple Start, Essentials, Plus, or Advanced.

If you are adding a bookkeeping and payroll client, select the Payroll drop-down menu and select one of the Payroll subscriptions: Core, Premium, or Elite.

Note: If you are adding a payroll only client, select only the Payroll subscription. If you are adding a client that doesn’t have payroll but needs the feature to pay contractors with direct deposit, select the Contractor Payments add-on.

Check “Make me the Master Admin of this client’s QuickBooks company” if you selected the ProAdvisor discount option above. Don’t check if you selected Direct discount where Intuit bills the client directly.

Note: The Master Administrator is the owner and primary contact for a QuickBooks company. If you do assign a ProAdvisor discount client as the Master Admin, your current QuickBooks access won’t change. You still receive all billing notifications, and your client won’t have access to your billing information.

If you selected ProAdvisor discount, verify or change the Payment method for billing, then select Save.


Overview is the table on the Client dashboard that shows a list of your clients. The Overview tab displays useful “at-a-glance” information on each client.

The Overview table includes:

  • Find a client field – Enter the name of a client by entering the business name and clicking the search icon.
  • Client list filter – Enables you to filter the list of clients by lead team member.
  • Settings icon – Enables you to edit list columns, include inactive clients, and change the number of rows per page.
  • Client/Contact column – Lists the client and contact names. The client’s name links to the Client Page.
  • Email/Phone column – Lists the client or contact email and phone number and is synced to your email app and mobile phone.
  • Banking column – Lists any bank or credit card account review items and links to the Client Page.
  • Payroll Alerts – Lists any upcoming payroll tasks, such as pay dates and tax payments.
  • Prep for Taxes column – Links to the Prep for taxes page.
  • Tax Returns column – Links to Intuit ProConnect Online Client page to create or continue a client.
  • Lead column – Displays the client’s lead accountant.
  • Actions column – Links to Edit client, Prep for Taxes, Create tax return, and make inactive actions.
Note: When you hover your mouse over the “qb” icon next to the client’s name, you can see the subscription level and products of the client’s QuickBooks. When you select this icon, you will be taken directly into your client’s QuickBooks.


The Bookkeeping tab shows the progress of each client’s Books Review.

The Bookkeeping table includes:

  • Find a client field – Enter the name of a client by entering the business name and clicking the search icon.
  • Client list filter – Enables you to filter the list of clients by lead team member.
  • Settings icon – Enables you to include inactive clients and change the number of rows per page.
  • Client/Contact column – Lists the client and contact names. The client’s name links to the Client Page.
  • Books Review column – Shows the progress of the current review from the Books Review feature. A green status icon indicates the task is complete, a yellow status icon indicates the task is in progress or waiting to progress, and a white status icon indicates the task has not been started. Selecting a status icon opens a more detailed progress tracking side-pane where you can view task-level progress for Transaction review, Account reconciliation, and Final review. From here, selecting View detail takes you to the client’s Month-end review.
  • Lead column – Displays the client’s lead accountant.
  • Actions column – Links to Edit client, Prep for Taxes, Create tax return, and make inactive actions.


The Payroll tab lists clients using QuickBooks Online Payroll and useful payroll related information.

The Payroll table includes:

  • Find a client field – Enter the name of a client by entering the business name and clicking the search icon.
  • Client list filter – Enables you to filter the list of clients by lead team member.
  • Settings icon – Enables you to edit list columns, include inactive clients, and change the number of rows per page.
  • Client/Contact column – Lists the client and contact names. The client’s name links to the Client Page.
  • Next Pay Date column – Shows the next date that payroll will be ran, according to the client’s pay schedule, as well as whether payroll will be run manually or automatically.
  • Setup column – Shows any payroll setup items that are still in progress or need to be completed.
  • Tax Payments Due column – Shows any current or upcoming tax payments that are due and whether the payment is done manually or automatically.
  • Tax Filings Due column – Shows any current or upcoming tax filings that are due and whether the filing is done manually or automatically.
  • Lead column – Displays the client’s lead accountant.
  • Actions column – Links to Edit client, Prep for Taxes, Create tax return, and make inactive actions.

Client Page

The Client page contains features and tools used for sharing and communicating information with your client and team.

To access the Client page, select a client from the client list.

The Client page includes:

  • Contact icons,
  • Edit client button,
  • Notes tab, and
  • Shared documents tab

Contact Icons

Next to the client’s name, there are two icons: the Envelope icon and the Phone icon.

When you hover your mouse over the Envelope icon, it will show you the client’s email address. Selecting the icon will open a new email to the client.

When you hover your mouse over the Phone icon, it will show you the client’s contact phone number.

Edit Client Button

The Edit client button is where you edit client details.

To edit a client, select the Edit client button.

Editing a client includes the same three sections from adding a client:

  1. Client Contact Information,
  2. QuickBooks subscription, and
  3. Team access.

After changing any client details, select Save.

Notes Tab

The Notes tab allows you to post reminders, to-do’s, and items to communicate with your team. When a Team note is created, it is added to the list and can be viewed and edited by all team members who have access to the client. When a note Private note is created, it is added to the list and will only show for the creator. Each note will display the author and time of creation. You can also keep important notes easily accessible by marking them as favorites.

The Notes list shows all notes in order of most recent, and includes:

  • Add note – Select to create a new note.
  • Refresh – Refreshes the Notes list.
  • Favorite filter – Only displays notes that have been “favorited”.
  • Note actions – Select the actions icon to Edit or Delete a note.
  • Note details – Each note displays the creator and date/time details, the Private/Team status, the favorite “star” icon, and the comments drop-down.

To add a note:

  1. Select Add note.
  2. Enter the note details in the message field.
  3. Select Team for the note to be visible to all team members or select Private to keep the note only visible to yourself.
  4. Select Post.

To reply to or comment on a note:

  1. Select Comments icon.
  2. Enter the response in the message field.
  3. Select Post.

Shared Documents Tab

The Shared documents tab contains shared documents uploaded by you, your team, and your client. Any documents uploaded or used in client requests will appear here. Both you and your client can view, add, and delete these documents.

The Shared documents tab includes:

  • Upload button – Allows you to upload a new document, which will then show on the Documents list.
  • Documents list – Shows a list of uploaded documents. Select a document from the Document column to open and view it. The Request column indicates whether or not the document was related to a client request. The Updated column shows when the document was last updated, and the Actions column allows you to Download, Rename, or Delete a document by selecting the Three Dots icon.
  • Batch actions – Selecting the checkbox next to documents allows you to open this drop-down menu and download or delete multiple documents at once.
  • Refresh – Selecting this icon will refresh the table to show any documents uploaded since you opened the Shared documents tab.
  • Download All – Selecting this icon will download all documents from the list.

Setting Up Your Team

The traditional term for employees in a professional environment, such as a CPA firm, is “staff”. However, “staff” is now considered a negative term and many professional companies use “team”.

The post–World War II economic expansion, also known as the golden age of capitalism or the postwar economic boom, was a period of economic expansion beginning after World War II and ending with the 1973–1975 recession. During that time companies looked to military leadership to run their companies.

Military leadership is the process of influencing others to accomplish the mission by providing purpose, direction, and motivation. Command is the authority a person in the military service lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of their rank and assignment or position.

Military leaders established corporate structure based on military leadership. “Staff” is derived from this environment founded on the military’s General Staff System of command, control, and organization.

The term “team” is defined as a group of players forming one side in a competitive game or sport. Employees would rather be “coached” as a team member and not commanded as a staff member.

Teamwork involves different groups and individuals working together to achieve a common goal. Professional service teams are organized around workflows and blend complementary strengths. The benefits of teamwork include increased creativity, innovation, efficiency, productivity, and morale.

Team management is the management of a team of people to perform the team’s functions or work. Team management includes leading the decision-making process, setting team objectives, evaluating team performance, and reviewing and improving technology, methods, and procedures employed.

Team members understand that the sum (team) is greater than its parts (individuals).

Team Dashboard

The Team dashboard is where you set up and manage your team.

To go to the Team dashboard, select Team from the Left menu.

The Team dashboard consists of two tabs:

  1. Access and
  2. Certifications.

Access Tab

The Access tab includes:

  • Add user (team member) button and
  • List of team members.

Add User Button

Adding a team member is a three step process.

Step 1 - Add user profile information

  • First, middle, and Last name
  • Email
  • Title

Step 2 - Specify access to firm administration and books

  • Access – Select Full, Basic, or Custom.

Full access includes:

  • Full access to administrative functions for your firm,
  • Full access to managing clients,
  • Full access to your firm's books, and
  • Administrator access to client QuickBooks.

Basic access includes:

  • Limited access to administrative functions for your firm,
  • No access to managing clients,
  • No access to your firm's books, and
  • Administrator access to client QuickBooks.

Custom access includes:

  • Custom access to administrative functions for your firm,
  • Custom access to managing clients,
  • Custom access to your firm's books, and
  • Administrator access to client QuickBooks.

Your Firm Administration and Access

  • Firm information – Select View only or Edit
  • Firm users – Select None, View only or Edit
  • Subscriptions and billing – Select None, View only or Edit

Your Firm Books and Access

  • Customers and accounts receivable – Select No or Yes
  • Vendors and creditors – Select No or Yes

Your Clients and Access

  • Manage your clients – Select No or Yes

Step 3 - Specify Client Access

Note: Granting user access to a client gives them full (admin) permissions to that client’s QuickBooks Online file.
  • Find a client field – Grants access to by entering their name and clicking the search icon.
  • Client list column – Grants client access to the team member by checking the client box.
Note: Checking the column box grants the team member assess to all clients listed.
  • Settings (Gear) icon – Set the Client list to include inactive clients, change the number of rows listed on the page, or compact the list.

List of Team Members

The list of team members includes:

  • Find field – Enter the name of a team member by entering their name and clicking the search icon.
  • Name column – Lists the name of the team member.
  • Job Title column – Lists the title of the team member.
  • Email column – Lists the email of the team member.
  • Access column – Lists the type (Master Administrator, Full, Basic, Custom) of access assigned to the team member.
  • Status column – Lists the status of the team member (Active or Inactive).
  • Print icon – Enables you to print the team member list.
  • Settings icon – Enables you to include inactive users and compact rows.

Certifications Tab

The Certifications tab lists each team member’s QuickBooks Online ProAdvisor certifications, if any. The certifications include QuickBooks Online Certification and QuickBooks Online Advanced Certification.

To obtain a QuickBooks Online certification:

  1. Select ProAdvisor from the left menu.
  2. Select the Training tab.
  3. Scroll down to QuickBooks Online Certification.

The Certifications tab includes:

  • Name column – Lists the name of the team member.
  • Job Title column – Lists the title of the team member.
  • Certifications column – Lists the certification(s) of the team member.
  • Expiration Date column – Lists the expiration date of the certification(s).

ProAdvisor Page

The ProAdvisor page contains your ProAdvisor benefits and the training you need to obtain the QuickBooks Online Certification.

To go to the ProAdvisor page, select ProAdvisor from the left menu.

The ProAdvisor page consists of two tabs:

  1. Benefits and
  2. Training.

Benefits Tab

The Benefits tab is where you access your current ProAdvisor benefits. As you obtain and work with clients, you receive points that enable you to reach the next higher tier. Each higher tier includes additional benefits.

The Benefits tab includes:

  • Total points – Shows your current point total.
  • Earn Points – Shows a list of activities that will earn you points, including the number of points for each.
  • Your Benefits – Shows your current benefit tier, as well as a list of your benefits and links to access them.

Training Tab

The Training tab is where you access the training and certifications offered in QuickBooks ProAdvisor Program.

The Training tab includes:

  • Your current path – Shows your most recent training module and percent of its completion.
  • QuickBooks Online Courses – Shows available training courses involving QuickBooks Online. Each tile also shows the completion time and number of CPE credits awarded upon completion. This is where you access and complete the QuickBooks Online Certification and QuickBooks Online Advanced Certification.
  • Specialty Courses – Shows additional training courses available.

Setting Up Your Workflow

Workflow describes the steps (tasks) in a business work process, where a part of work passes from initiation to completion; and how the steps are executed and automated according to a set of procedural rules.

Organizations use workflow to coordinate tasks, with the aim of improving organizational efficiency, responsiveness, and profitability. Workflow can be sequential, where each step is contingent upon completion of the previous step or parallel, where multiple steps occur simultaneously.

Workflow management is the coordination of tasks that make up the work an organization does. Business process improvement is a natural part of workflow management.

A workflow management system provides an infrastructure for the setup, performance, and monitoring of a defined sequence of tasks, arranged as a workflow application.

Work Page

The Work page is a workflow management system which provides setup, performance, and monitoring of your services (projects) defined sequence of tasks, arranged as a workflow application.

You use the Work page to manage your service workflows in QuickBooks Accountant. By default, the Work page displays individual tiles for all tasks, projects, and requests arranged by due date. The first column shows work due today (including overdue work), followed by columns for work due this week, next week, and within 30 days.

To go to the Work page, select Work from the Left menu.

The Work page includes:

  • Manage templates,
  • Create client request,
  • Create project,
  • Client filter,
  • Team filter,
  • Type filter,
  • From QuickBooks radio button, and
  • Page view icons.

Manage Templates

Manage templates is where you set up a defined sequence of tasks for each of your client services. These templates improve your client services efficiency, responsiveness, and profitability. They should be used as a training tool for new team members and as a practice tool to ensure quality and reliability.

The Manage templates page includes:

  • Create template button,
  • Custom templates, and
  • Quickstart templates.

The Create template button enables you to create a workflow template from scratch.

The Create a template includes:

  • Template name,
  • Repeat radio button,
  • Due date repeats (If Repeat is clicked),
  • Details field, and
  • Add a task button.

The Template name field is where you enter the name of your project (service).

The Repeat radio button is clicked if this is a recurring service.

The Due date repeats is where you select the repeating period and frequency.

The Details field is where you add any additional information about the service.

The Add a task button is where you add the service’s defined sequence of tasks. You enter the Task name, Due date, and details, if any.

Custom templates displays any custom templates created. You can set the order of the listing of your custom templates by last used first or last.

The Quickstart templates are prefilled common client services you can use or adjust for your needs.

Create Client Request

Create client request is where you request information from the client’s bookkeeper. When you make a request, the request is published to the My Accountant page, Requests tab of the client’s QuickBooks account.

The Create client request page includes the following:

  • Request name,
  • Client,
  • Due date,
  • Status,
  • Details,
  • Documents, and
  • Notify client.

The Request name field is where you enter the name of the person the request is addressed to.

The Client field is where you select the client from the drop-down menu.

The Due date field is the date the information requested is due.

The Status field is where you select the status (To do, In progress, Blocked, Done or Canceled) of the request from the drop-down menu.

The Details field is where you enter your request.

Documents is where you add any documents pertaining to your request.

The Notify client box is where you check the box if you want the request to be emailed to the client in addition to publishing the request to the client’s QuickBooks account.

Create Project

Create project (services, jobs, or work) is where you set up a new client service (template) to be performed by the team member.

The Create project page includes:

  • Project template,
  • Project name,
  • Firm or client,
  • Due date,
  • Repeat,
  • Assigned to,
  • Details, and
  • Add a task.

The Project template field is where you select a Custom or Quickstart template from the drop-down menu.

The Project name field is where you enter the name of the project, i.e., Client Name and Service.

The Firm or client field is where you select the client the service pertains to from the drop-down menu.

The Due date field is the date the service is due.

The Repeat radio button is clicked if this is a recurring service for the client.

The Assigned to field is where you assign the service to a team member from the drop-down menu.

The Details field is where you add any additional information about the service unique for the client.

The Add a task button is where you add any adjustments or additions to the service’s defined sequence of tasks unique for the client. You enter the Task name, Due date, and details, if any.

Client Filter

The Client filter is where you filter whether you display your Clients only, Firm only or All.

Team Filter

The Team filter is where you filter whether you display your team members, you (Me) or Everyone.

Type Filter

The Type filter is where you filter whether you display Projects (services), Tasks, Requests or All types.

From QuickBooks Radio Button

The From QuickBooks Radio button automatically displays tasks from your client’s QuickBooks account. You enable the feature if you want to monitor these tasks.

These items have a “qb” icon to distinguish them from Projects, Tasks, and Requests.

Page View Icons

The page view icons enable you to display three different page view formats:

  • Tile view,
  • List view, and
  • Calendar view.

Tile View

The tile view has four columns:

  1. Today – displays projects, tasks, and requests due today.
  2. This Week – displays projects, tasks, or requests due this week.
  3. Next Week – displays projects, tasks, or requests due next week.
  4. Next 30 Days – displays projects, tasks, or requests due in the next 30 days.

The following points will help you navigate the Work page:

  1. When a project is created, the tasks will show up as tiles.
  2. You can see the total number of tasks due for each column in the bar at the top.
  3. The left side of each tile contains the due date of the task and a circular icon that shows the initials of the team member that is assigned to that task. You can quickly re-assign a task by clicking on the initials and selecting a new team member.
  4. The right side of each task tile displays, in this order, the name of the client, the name of the task, and the project it belongs to.
  5. The tile for a project can be identified by the progress bar located at the bottom of the tile. The progress bar shows how many tasks have been completed out of the total number of tasks.
  6. Client requests are also shown as tiles. You can select the tile to open the request and continue communication with your client.

You can edit a project, task, or request by clicking the project, task, or request tile.

List View

The list view has seven columns:

  1. Due Date – displays the due date (past and future) of each project, task, or request.
  2. For – displays which client the project, task or request is for.
  3. Name – displays the project, task, or request name.
  4. Status – displays the status (To do, In progress, Blocked, Done or Canceled) of the project, task, or request.
  5. End Date – displays the end date of project set up when creating the project.
  6. Assigned to – displays the team member assigned to the project when creating the project.
  7. Type – displays the type (Project, Task or Request).

You can edit a project, task, or request by clicking the project, task, or request row.

Calendar View

The calendar view displays a monthly calendar. The date highlighted is today’s date. The number of projects, tasks, and requests due is displayed in the lower left corner of the day, if any. When you’re on the day, a green border is displayed and each project, task, and request due for the day is listed under the date column on the right side of the page. The team member assigned to the project or task is also displayed.

You can edit a project, task, or request by clicking on the project, task, or request displayed.

Apps Page

The Apps page contains available apps that integrate with QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Online Accountant. Using apps can help you simplify, automate, and improve your workflow.

To go to the Apps page, select Apps from the left menu.

The Apps page consists of three tabs:

  1. Find apps,
  2. Client apps, and
  3. Firm apps.

Find Apps Tab

The Find Apps tab is where you can browse available apps for your firm or your clients. You can select apps to view their details and download/purchase them.

The Find Apps tab includes:

  • App search bar – Allows you to search for apps by name or other key words.
  • Browse category – Drop-down menu that allows you to select a category of apps to browse.
  • Premium Apps – Shows a list of apps that apps and add-ons that are deeply integrated into QuickBooks Online Advanced.
  • Essential apps for your clients – Shows a list of apps that are great for clients.
  • Popular apps for accounting firms – Shows a list of apps that are great for accountants.

Client Apps Tab

The Client apps tab is where you can view the apps your clients currently have connected.

The Client apps tab includes:

  • App filter – Drop-down menu that allows you to narrow results on the client table by showing All apps, Apps you connected, or Apps others connected.
  • Search bar – Allows you to search for clients or apps by name.
  • Category filter (Settings (Gear) icon) – By selecting the Settings (Gear) icon, you can select whether or not to include inactive clients and/or ineligible clients.
  • Client table – Shows a list of your clients and the apps they have connected. You can select an existing connected app to view its details or select +Add app to be redirected to the Find apps page and add an app for the client.

Firm Apps Tab

The Firm apps tab is where you can view the apps your firm currently has connected. You can

The Firm apps tab includes:

  • Add app button – Selecting the button takes you to the Find apps tab to add an app.
  • Apps you added to your firm – Shows a list of any apps you have added to your firm.
  • Apps another user added to your firm – Shows a list of any apps added to your firm by other users.